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Departments » Curriculum » K-4 Standards-Based Report Cards

K-4 Standards-Based Report Cards

Standards-Based Report Card in Grades K-4
The Lakeland School District uses a Standards-Based Report Card for students in grades K-4. A committee of teachers and administrators worked collaboratively to create the report cards which are based on the PA Core Standards.
Why Did We Transition To A Standards-Based Reporting System?
The Standards-Based Report Card benefits students, teachers, and families. It allows students to be more aware of what is expected of them at each grade level, and allows them to view their progress in relation to grade level expectations. It gives teachers across the district a better understanding of what each child should know and be able to do at each grade level, and provides consistency in grading practices. A Standards Based Report Card provides teachers and families more detailed information regarding a child's strengths and needs to help guide both classroom instruction and at home supports, strengthening the home-school connection.
The Standards-Based Report Card Format
"Grading to QUARTERLY Expectation"
The K-4 report card is issued four times a year. Instead of letter grades, it uses four categories to show your child's progress toward meeting QUARTERLY standard expectations.  The standards listed on the report card are end of year expectations, however each quarter, your child will be assessed on the skills within that standard that were taught that quarter.  
  • 4: Exceeds Quarterly Expectations
  • 3: Meets Quarterly Expectations (This is the goal for all students each quarter)
  • 2: Approaching Quarterly Expectations
  • 1: Needs support with Quarterly Expectations
  • NA: Standard not addressed this quarter. You should expect to see some NAs used in the first two quarters. This is because the entire curriculum cannot be taught at once. While some learning standards will be addressed throughout the entire year, others will be phased in as the school year progresses.
Parent-Teacher Discussion Points:
As you review your child's Standards Based Report Card, and prepare for conversation with both your child and your child's teacher, some of the following may be helpful to consider.
Talking with your Child:
Before the conference, talk to your child, and ask what he/she likes or dislikes about school.  Ask what they feel is easy or difficult for them, and if there is anything they think you should ask about or should share with their teacher to help them be successful.
Talking with your Child's Teacher:
During the conference and during other conversations with your child's teacher, an important focal point for the discussion is how you can use the information on the report card to help your child at home.  Your child's teacher may share anecdotal examples of your child's strengths and needs, or they may show work samples to help clarify these for you.
Questions to Consider Asking During A Conference:
  • What are my child's strengths?
  • What does my child need help with, and what can I do at home to help?
  • What can we do together to help him/her?  Examples: Communicate more frequently or in a different way, set up an organization system, behavior charts, etc.
  • Ask if there are any terms you don't understand.  We sometimes use educational language, not realizing that it isn't parent-friendly.  We realize the report card may be confusing at first, especially since many of us had a different grading system (A, B, C, D, etc.) when we went to school.
For additional information, please see the grade specific, overviews of the curriculum concepts covered this quarter, below.  These are written in student friendly, "I Can" statements, so you can discuss learning expectations with your child.  
K-4 Standards Based Report Card Quarterly Overviews: